- matches a string of six or more characters;
- that contains at least one digit (\d is shorthand for [0-9]);
- at least one uppercase; and
- at least one lowercase character.
input | result of test | reason |
abcABC | false | no numbers |
abc123 | false | no uppercase letters |
abAB1 | false | too short |
abAB12 | true | - |
Aa123456 | true | - |
another possibilities
I will start by telling you what makes a password strong.
- It has more than 6 characters. The longer the password is, the harder to crack it using brute force attack.
- It contains both small case and upper case characters. This doubles brute force attack time, because it needs to check both cases.
- It contains also numerical characters. This adds another 10 possibilities for each character in the password and thus increases cracking time.
- It contains special characters. This adds another 20 or more characters to the possibilities.
- It contains more than 12 characters. This increases cracking time even more.
My approach was to give one point for each of the conditions above.
And I give a point for each of the conditions, the voting scale is the following
- Very Weak
- Weak
- Better
- Medium
- Strong
- Strongest
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